Transparency about our practices is important to us as a board.

By Anne Prins
Anne Prins is a volunteer board member of food bank StadsWolde, the late 2022
established food bank for residents of Stadskanaal and Westerwolde. At a time when
many people are struggling financially, it is especially important for the food bank to build and maintain a
good local network. That can be done through the Good Chair, a free
seat at the table that Boomerang Stadskanaal has
donated to the food bank until the end of 2023. StadsWolde
At the food bank, Anne is responsible for networking and sponsorships. Joining
with Boomerang gives him the opportunity to network with local business owners on a weekly basis. At the
weekly 1-minute presentation, he shares developments at the food bank and the
issues they face.
Anne: “Transparency about how we work is
important to us as a board. We like to show what choices we make to
help residents the best we can. Our presence at Boomerang Stadskanaal gives
us a nice stage for our story. In addition, we feel supported by the
participating entrepreneurs to work together to help residents who are struggling.”

Anne Prins
Board member